Sustainable Entrepreneurship Project

In this course, students learn how organizations can practice sustainable entrepreneurship. The course is part of the Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Business Administration programme of the Radboud University Nijmegen.
Course Description
The primary research programme of the Department of Business Administration at the Radboud University Nijmegen focuses on the Responsible Organization. This programme addresses the multiple values underlying responsibility, the conditions required to realize those values and the interventions geared to the transition of organisations toward responsible organizations.
The Sustainable Entrepreneurship Project offers Bachelor students the opportunity to study one aspect of the Responsible Organization. They learn how organizations can practice sustainable entrepreneurship and which conditions play an important role. The course offers two perspectives that can be used to answer this question. The environmental and ecological perspective focuses on the effects of organizations on the environment. The diversity and social perspective focuses on workforce diversity and its value for organizations.
Students write two assignments. Together with two classmates, they write a research proposal that examines how an organization or entrepreneur can become more sustainable. The research proposal consists of an introduction, theory section, and methodology chapter. They also write an individual assignment in which they review the academic literature on a subtopic of sustainable entrepreneurship. This individual assignment will be part of the theoretical chapter of the group assignment.
Learning Goals
The project has a substantive and a methodological goal, which are both in line with the qualifications for conceptual thinking and academic research expected in the Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Business Administration programme:
- At the end of this project, students will have gained knowledge and insight into theories and concepts in the field of sustainable entrepreneurship
- At the end of this project, students will know how to write a research plan or a research design that describes the project scope, purpose and objective; the choice of theory; the research approach and method; and the collection and analysis of empirical data in a logical and substantiated way
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